Dec 3, 2010

The Orchard - Fall Update

A happy young apple tree
This past year was a wet one. The area received rain regularly through the summer, which is rare, so the weeds were exuberant. Of course, the garden and orchard are on a drip system, but I could tell everything was pretty happy with extra water- growth everywhere was pretty lush.

Esapliered fruit trees have a tough time their first few years because they are pruned so extensively during the growing season. In the spring, before buds swell, I prune to encourage growth of new branches. Because the trees rarely do what I want, or expect, there is usually some heavy pruning around June and then some more pruning in July or early August.  After that, I don't prune again because I don’t want to encourage late growth susceptible to winter damage. This past year, I easily pruned 50% of the new growth on the trees.

Still in training - only a Y.

The final shape - a double U.

The result's are encouraging. Many more apples are achieving their final forms (a double U shape). The remaining trees are in a Y form and just need a bit of length in the branches to pull down and tie into a U. The stone fruits are doing really well, and even my reluctant peach (Rio Oso Gem) grew vigorously. A few apples have put on some height and are over 7’ tall.  At this point, the tree branches are still small enough to be caged in chicken wire. After next year, the trees will be too big for cages, so I'll have to buckle down and put up a fence. Yet another project!

A 7' tall branch in front of the a perfect NM sky.

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